
美国学校关于HBVER入学规定原文-已翻译好Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (HIV), and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)

The existence of HIV or HBV infection should not be considered admissions decisions unless current scientific information indicates required academic activities may expose others to risk of transmission. 只要没有科学依据证明专业活动会带来传播给他人的危险, HIV和HBV的存在不能影响是否被接收的决定.

A student with HIV or HBV infection should be allowed to attend all classes without restrictions, as long as the student is physically and mentally able to participate, perform assigned work, and poses no health risk to others. 携带HIV和HBV的学生可以参加所有的课程, 只要他们的身体和精神条件循序允许, 可以正常地完成作业, 没有危害他人的健康.

A person with HIV or HBV infection should not be denied access to the institution because of HIV or HBV infection. 携带HIV和HBV的同学不能以此为由被拒绝入学

Unless otherwise authorized or required by law, no HIV test should be performed without informed consent of the person tested. 除法律规定外, 如没有本人的同意, 不允许进行检查.

Except where release is required or authorized by law, information concerning the HIV status of students and any portion of a medical record will be kept confidential and will not be released without written consent. 除按法律规定外, 任何学生的个人疾病记录在未竟本人同意的条件下不得被公开

No student will be denied benefits, have their benefits reduced or otherwise be subject to impermissible discrimination under a health benefits plan offered through the University on the basis of a positive HIV test result. 任何学生享有同样的医疗保险和津贴, 否则将被视为歧视和违法行为.

An educational pamphlet developed by The Texas Department of Health about methods of transmission and prevention of HIV infection and other educational information concerning HIV infection is available at the office of Student Health Services.

